Thursday 26 January 2012

Internet of Things Note...

Weiser, c. 1990
"invisible but everywhere around us"

first phase of computing was 2000-1 ratio of people to computers.
Second phase of computing is the phase we are in now, this phase is a 1-1 ratio however Weiser predicted that eventually computers would integrate into everything
Internet of Things.
A UN report said the we are heading into a new era ubiquity where the users of the internet will e counted in the billions and where humans may become a minority.

Radio Frequency Identification
RFID tags. has the potential of linking the worlds objects. already in place. on clothes in shops. chips in pets. already putting into people in some places. smart phones have a built in RFID reader.

ubiquitous computing will connect everything to the internet allowing full tracking a keeping track of all aspects of life, the possibility of this technology is endless however its going to be scary.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Ecoid Task. Digital Interface

Been tasked with designing a digital representation of the data that our tutors live project. this allows us to create a adaptable and changeable interface so that when the data changes our interface smoothly changes between stages.
This task was given as either a single project or a group. i have grouped with AJ, Jodie and Adam.