Thursday 14 June 2012

Game Design Document.

For this project we where told to create a game design document. i have chosen to hand this in as a word document. therefore i will place it within the same folder as my FMP work allowing ease to find it.

Thursday 7 June 2012

UDK test

We have had a tutorial on UDK game engine to help us get to grips with it. we had ollie from the BA course in game design come in and show us through the basics and then he let us have a play with software and learn the layout first hand. Ollie really helped because he has his own online tutorial videos which means that i can keep up to date with UDK software and how to use the programme.
this is a link to Ollies video tutorials.

and this is my scene in UDK after i had a play.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Game design document contents

Games design include extensive amount of artwork and idea generation to help game developers/learners to develop and create towards a final game.
Game controls
Platforms its designed for
Target audience
Similar games or designs on the market, how is yours different or better?
Narrative/story of the game
Game layout charts
Level layouts
Environment illustrations
Character design
Model profile sheets
GUI designs
Thumbnail sketches
3D Modelling

Wednesday 9 May 2012

basic intro to unity

Today we started learnign the interface of untiy, a 3d modeling and game engine. this was great fun the software its self is extremely fun and easy to use. picking up the new tools was simple and allowed freedom of creation. even tho this is just the basics you get the feeling that making games and stuff if you really try to learn the software will not be a difficult task.

the first step in unity was to create a terrain, this creates a standard square area in which you can build and place other 3d models you have, so essentially the base of your game. however you can set up your own speccs for this terrain but for the purpose of learning the basics we avoided that area.
the next step is selecting your brushes, the right hand side panel is where every option comes up pretty much. when ever you select some thing different the panel will change with all the new options. the tool i had selected is the building tool where you can paint on hills and mold your terrain in basic ways to have varying heights within it. this this exercise i created mountains and raised most of my terrain for the next part of the exercise.
i then added the water in to make an island this is what my island looked after using the first 2 steps. with my island step up, our tutor gave us some time to play with all the options within unity and really get a feel for the options and different things you can do within the software.

the pictures above are me simply exploring tool within the software and find different ways of looking at them. i feel that if i spent time really learning this software it could be extremely fun to design and create landscapes for games and other things.

Thursday 8 March 2012

What is an interface

A boundary across which two independent systems meet and act on or communicate with each other. In computer technology, there are several types of interfaces.
user interface - the keyboard, mouse, menus of a computer system. The user interface allows the user to communicate with the operating system.
software interface - the languages and codes that the applications use to communicate with each other and with the hardware.
hardware interface - the wires, plugs and sockets that hardware devices use to communicate with each other.
To connect with or interact with by means of an interface.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Flash maze design

Task. was to create a flash interface to go the flash maze game file we where given. I used photoshop to create the background i have used and i then changed the buttons into Bold rounded rectangles to draw attention in. i use very in-formal language. Even going as far to taunt the player when they fail to complete the maze because it would result in them getting more angry and making it harder for them to concentrate on completing the task. i havent placed a new maze within this file yet because i can not find a design i like. therefore when i have found a maze i like i will place it within the file.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Game interface IDEA!!

My idea for my game interface. Is to actually create a Game interface for my story in my FMP in-case i ever take it into the direction of a game. I did these designs on traditional paper very basic and block like designs to simplify and just position the elements in the way i'd like i have four basic idea however i think i need to go more in depth and decide on a final positioning before i go into detailed design of things such as health bars and other added extra's that i could incorperate